Another Homecoming for the books!

Homecoming last week was a blast, but the fun doesn't end there!

Just to wrap up last week, in cased you missed the homecoming football game, the winners of the homecoming royalty were Hattie Mattson and Chance Kearl for the juniors, and Hallie Skinner and Gabe Hillier for the Seniors. Congratulations to the winners and nominees!

Unfortunately, we lost the game to the Firth Cougars 40-19, but before the game started we had a 9/11 tribute. All of our football players walked out to the field carrying flags while the band played the national anthem for us. 

On Saturday, the cross country team went the the Tiger Grizz invitational on the Freeman Park in Idaho Falls. In the women's varsity race Elise Kelsey, Kinsee Hansen, and Elli Kelsey place in the top 20, and Katelyn Crane ran the JV race and took second! The boys ran well too, the top JV boys were Matthew Holmquist, Gabe Hillier, and TR Boehme, and the top varsity boys were Tyler Saunders, Taylor Roberts, and Sam Gertler. 

This week we have Volleyball playing West Side at home at 5pm on the 16th. We also play Aberdeen at home home at 5pm on the 17th. 

Cross country will be running the Pirate challenge in West Side at 4:10pm on Thursday.

Football will play in Ririe. JV will play at 4pm and Varsity at 7pm.

If you are unable to attend these activities you can click on this link and watch them there: 


Football or 


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